Shiatsu with Simon Givertz

Thursday 12 November 2009

Optimistic Soul

Optimism is "an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome". It is the philosophical opposite of pessimism. Optimists generally believe that people and events are inherently good, so that most situations work out in the end for the best. (Wikipedia)

The Metal element which corresponds to this time of year is, for me, optimistic. But only if we can let go of what is past. Learn lessons, yes. Don't make the same mistakes, yes. But let go. Leave the past behind, where it belongs.

Here is an exercise that I learnt from Ki-Aikido. It is designed to develop our focus and decision making, bringing mind and body together with speed and clarity.

There are three basic steps. Firstly stand with one foot forward. Step forward with the front foot. Turn to face the other way (to do this, the front foot swivels and becomes the back foot - the feet stay where they are just pointing the other way). Now step forward with the front foot again. Repeat. The arms shown are not necessary for this context.

The idea is then to speed up but only to a point where you can keep clarity of where you are going not hampered by where you have been.

I gave this exercise to a client as a way of seeing through a difficulty. Factors outside her control (aren't they all) were making her feel stressed and this exercise has given her a way to remember that she is simply moving forward and when something happens to turn (metaphorically) and face forward again in her own life.

She reported enjoying the exercise and has even developed it so that the movement is not required, practising in the car to be going where she is going without thinking of where she has come from, allowing her to leave some stress behind.

Empowering clients with simple activities is vital to their wellbeing and our therapy. Facilitating health rather than fixing dis-ease.

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